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Music, the Language of of the Redeemed

We praise thee, O God! We sing to you in joyful voice! In today’s world of pain and suffering, how is this possible? What enables us to lift up our voices in joy and reverence, in song and melody? It is the knowledge that we are redeemed! We are assured a way home to God our Father, through Christ his Son.

We praise thee, O God, for the assurance of salvation! We bear witness to the greatest act of love ever demonstrated: God so loving the world that he sent his only begotten Son, that whoever would believe in him would have eternal life. This, then, is our source of joy and reverence. Music is a language that transcends the bounds of earth and grants us entry into the courts of heaven, allowing the redeemed to truly convey the emotion of thanksgiving due their Savior.

And so tonight we sing praise, adoration, and thanksgiving to our Creator and Savior. We sing to Christ, the church’s one foundation, the Worthy Lamb that was slain and rose again, victorious in our behalf. We praise thee, O God!

Christ, the Beautiful Creator – Part 1

Here is a wonderful thing—our Creator is our Redeemer. The one who made us, knows us completely, is the one offering us the gift of salvation. We have every advantage on our side, every benefit granted to us that we might enjoy eternal happiness when Christ comes in his glory to bring his children home. And while we wait, creation reminds us of our Creator.

The heavens are telling the glory of God. All things bright and beautiful, speak of our Creator saying without ceasing, the matchless love bestowed to us. When we, in awesome wonder, consider all the works the hand of Christ has made, our hearts fill with joy and we proclaim how great thou art!

Christ, the Source of Peace – Part 2

There are few things in this life more sought after than peace for the soul. Many, it seems, do not find it. Yet wonderfully it is offered to us freely through Jesus Christ. With a spoken word he calmed the violent storm on the sea of Galilee. How easily, then, can a victorious and risen Savior calm the storm in our soul?

We can sing alleluia because Christ is the sure foundation on which we rest. In him is a peace that passes all understanding. Though trials and tribulation assault us from every angle, we can be at peace knowing that the Lord is on our side. We say with confidence, be still, my soul, because we know the night of weeping will soon be the morning of song.

Christ, the Worthy Lamb – Part 3

O love divine, all loves excelling! Nothing in this world can match the gift of salvation offered freely through Jesus Christ! It is a gift immeasurable! Oh, what wonderful love was displayed by God the Son! The death we deserve he took to the cross and paid for us, that immortality should be ours; we, who could never merit such a reward.

This, then, is the One worthy of our total praise and adoration. Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world! All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice. Sing to the Almighty for the deliverance given.

With all the energy afforded us, sing blessing and honor, glory and power, unto him that sits on the eternal throne— our brother, our Creator, our Redeemer!

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain! Worthy is the Lamb!
